# 201602 SWITCH # # This schema implements the swissEdu attributes from the # AAI Attribute Specification Version 1.5.1, which can be found at # https://www.switch.ch/aai/attributes/ # Note: The changes applied in version 1.6 had no effect on this schema # # SwissEduPerson directory schema (201602) # The latest version of this document is available at # https://www.switch.ch/aai/docs/swissedu.ldif # # See also: https://www.switch.ch/aai/docs/LDAP-schemas # # depends upon the following schemas: # core, cosine, eduperson, inetorgperson # # Consult the AAI document 'Attribute Specification' # which explains the use of these attributes with examples. # https://www.switch.ch/aai/attributes/ # # additonal attributes are inherited and derived # from standard object classes as follows: # # Object Class person: # sn (surname), cn (commonName), telephoneNumber # # Object Class organizationalPerson: # facsimileTelephoneNumber, ou, postalAddress # # Object Class inetOrgPerson: # givenName, displayName, employeeNumber, homePhone, homePostalAddress # mail, mobile (mobileTelephoneNumber), preferredLanguage, uid # # Object Class eduPerson: # eduPersonAffiliation, eduPersonAssurance, eduPersonEntitlement # eduPersonNickname, eduPersonOrcid, eduPersonOrgDN, eduPersonOrgUnitDN # eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation, eduPersonPrimaryOrgUnitDN # eduPersonPrincipalName, eduPersonScopedAffiliation # eduPersonTargetedID, eduPersonUniqueId # # Object Class eduMember: # isMemberOf #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- dn: cn=swissedu,cn=schema,cn=config objectClass: olcSchemaConfig cn: swissedu olcObjectIdentifier: SwissEduroot 2.16.756.1.2.5 olcObjectIdentifier: SwissEdu SwissEduroot:1 olcObjectIdentifier: SwissEduAttributeType SwissEdu:1 olcObjectIdentifier: SwissEduObjectClass SwissEdu:2 olcAttributeTypes: ( SwissEduAttributeType:1 NAME 'swissEduPersonUniqueID' DESC 'Unique identifier for inter-institutional user identification' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE ) olcAttributeTypes: ( SwissEduAttributeType:2 NAME 'swissEduPersonDateOfBirth' DESC 'Date of birth (format YYYYMMDD, only numeric chars)' EQUALITY numericStringMatch SYNTAX{8} SINGLE-VALUE ) olcAttributeTypes: ( SwissEduAttributeType:3 NAME 'swissEduPersonGender' DESC 'Representation of human sex (see ISO 5218)' EQUALITY integerMatch SYNTAX{1} SINGLE-VALUE ) olcAttributeTypes: ( SwissEduAttributeType:4 NAME 'swissEduPersonHomeOrganization' DESC 'Domain name of the home organization' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE ) olcAttributeTypes: ( SwissEduAttributeType:5 NAME 'swissEduPersonHomeOrganizationType' DESC 'Type of the home organization' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE ) olcAttributeTypes: ( SwissEduAttributeType:6 NAME 'swissEduPersonStudyBranch1' DESC 'Study branch of a student, first level of classification' EQUALITY integerMatch SYNTAX{6} ) olcAttributeTypes: ( SwissEduAttributeType:7 NAME 'swissEduPersonStudyBranch2' DESC 'Study branch of a student, intermediate level of classification' EQUALITY integerMatch SYNTAX{6} ) olcAttributeTypes: ( SwissEduAttributeType:8 NAME 'swissEduPersonStudyBranch3' DESC 'Study branch of a student' EQUALITY integerMatch SYNTAX{6} ) olcAttributeTypes: ( SwissEduAttributeType:9 NAME 'swissEduPersonStudyLevel' DESC 'Study level of a student in a particular studyBranch3' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SYNTAX ) olcAttributeTypes: ( SwissEduAttributeType:10 NAME 'swissEduPersonStaffCategory' DESC 'Workbranch of a staff member' EQUALITY integerMatch SYNTAX{3} ) olcAttributeTypes: ( SwissEduAttributeType:11 NAME 'swissEduPersonMatriculationNumber' DESC 'Matriculation number of a student' EQUALITY numericStringMatch SYNTAX{8} SINGLE-VALUE ) olcAttributeTypes: ( SwissEduAttributeType:12 NAME 'swissEduPersonCardUID' DESC 'Card unique identifier' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SYNTAX ) olcAttributeTypes: ( SwissEduAttributeType:13 NAME 'swissEduID' DESC 'The Swiss edu-ID persistent identifier for Swiss Higher Education users' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE ) olcAttributeTypes: ( SwissEduAttributeType:1023 NAME 'swissLibraryPersonAffiliation' DESC 'Type of library affiliation' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SYNTAX ) olcAttributeTypes: ( SwissEduAttributeType:1025 NAME 'swissLibraryPersonResidence' DESC 'Defines the current residence of the patron' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SYNTAX ) olcObjectClasses: ( SwissEduObjectClass:1 NAME 'swissEduPerson' DESC 'Swiss eduPerson Object for use in e-Academia' SUP inetOrgPerson STRUCTURAL MAY ( swissEduPersonUniqueID $ swissEduPersonDateOfBirth $ swissEduPersonGender $ swissEduPersonHomeOrganization $ swissEduPersonHomeOrganizationType $ swissEduPersonStudyBranch1 $ swissEduPersonStudyBranch2 $ swissEduPersonStudyBranch3 $ swissEduPersonStudyLevel $ swissEduPersonStaffCategory $ swissEduPersonMatriculationNumber $ swissEduPersonCardUID $ swissEduID $ swissLibraryPersonAffiliation $ swissLibraryPersonResidence $ eduPersonAffiliation $ eduPersonNickname $ eduPersonOrgDN $ eduPersonOrgUnitDN $ eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation $ eduPersonPrincipalName $ eduPersonEntitlement $ eduPersonPrimaryOrgUnitDN $ eduPersonScopedAffiliation $ eduPersonTargetedID $ eduPersonAssurance $ eduPersonUniqueId ) ) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Changelog: # # 201706 # Syntax now conformant with RFC 4512: # - SYNTAX OID's without single quotes # - SINGLE-VALUE after SYNTAX # # 201704 # Attribute Specification 1.6 has no effect on this schema file # # 201602 # Updated to match the attribute specification 1.5.1 # New attributes: swissEduID, swissLibraryPersonAffiliation, swissLibraryPersonResidence # New eduPerson attribute adopted: eduPersonUniqueId # # 1.5 01. May 2010 # Added swissEduPersonCardUID and attributes from eduPerson specifi- # cation # # 1.4 25. September 2007 # Changed matriculation number from integerMatch to numericStringMatch # # 1.3 05. September 2007 # Added swissEduPersonMatriculationNumber because it is a new # attribute in the new SWITCHaai Attribute Specification 1.2 # # 1.2 09. May 2003 # eduPersonEntitlement was missing in the schema, even it was # part of the specification document # # 1.1 18. December 2002 # Allowed length of the attributes # swissEduPersonStudyBranch1 # swissEduPersonStudyBranch2 # swissEduPersonStudyBranch3 # extended to six digits to allow for the values of the universities # of applied sciences. # # 1.0 21. November 2002 # Initial version published #----------------------------------------------------------------------------