Building Shibboleth 1.1 origin side on Debian GNU/Linux stable/i386 ------------------------------------------------------------------- * location: * [where you also find sample config files] * authors: Thomas Lenggenhager & Urs Marti, SWITCH * contact: * version: 2.6 - 20030911 * This guide is only an addition to the original Shibboleth 1.1 * Origin-Deployment Guide which you should read first. * References to that original guide are marked as * (see ORIG-chapter#) Debian Packet management ------------------------ There is a bug in apt. Add the following two lines to the file "/etc/apt/apt.conf" APT::Default-Release "woody"; APT::Cache-Limit "8388608"; Java (see ORIG-3.a) ---- Java 2 source development kit 1.4 is not part of Debian. Add this to "/etc/apt/sources.list": deb \ /dists/woody/misc/binary-i386/ Debian Package Selection ------------------------ There is a minimal selection of packages at the end of this file generated by 'dpkg --get-selections >> selections.txt'. With 'diff -b', this can be used to find required, but not yet installed packages on your system. Tomcat4 (see ORIG-3.a) ------- Debians stable tomcat 4.0.4 is not sufficient. There is a mirror list on . Following the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard, /opt is the right place to install. $ su # cd /opt # wget # tar xzf jakarta-tomcat-4.1.27-LE-jdk14.tar.gz # exit Shibboleth-origin 1.1 (see ORIG-3.b) --------------------- That is the main Shibboleth package. Again, following the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard, /etc/opt is used for configuration files $ su # cd /opt # wget # tar xzf shibboleth-origin-1.1.tar.gz # export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/j2sdk1.4 Copy the newer library versions to be endorsed: # cd /opt/shibboleth-origin-1.1 # cp -p endorsed/* /opt/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.27-LE-jdk14/common/endorsed/ is the only configuration file used at build time. To maintain this central configuration file outside the automatically expanded .war tree, it is recommended to keep the master under /etc/opt and copy it back to the Shibboleth source and the expanded .war tree after each modification. # cd /opt/shibboleth-origin-1.1 # mkdir -p /etc/opt/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.27-LE-jdk14/shibboleth # cp -p src/conf/ /etc/opt/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.27-LE-jdk14/shibboleth Edit (see ORIG-5 and conf-origin-1.1-debian.txt) # cd /etc/opt/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.27-LE-jdk14/shibboleth # vi After editig, copy it back into the Shibboleth source tree for inclusion into the 'Web Application Archive' shibboleth.war # cp -p /opt/shibboleth-origin-1.1/src/conf Build shibboleth.war and copy it into Tomcat's tree: # cd /opt/shibboleth-origin-1.1 # ./ant build-util # ./ant dist-origin # cp -p dist/shibboleth.war /opt/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.27-LE-jdk14/webapps/ # /etc/init.d/tomcat start Later on, after every change to, copy it back to the Shibboleth source tree (in case you would once want to rebuild shibboleth.war) and to the expanded .war tree. Afterwards, restart tomcat! # cp -p /opt/shibboleth-origin-1.1/src/conf # cp -p /opt/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.27-LE-jdk14/webapps/shibboleth/WEB-INF/classes/conf # /etc/init.d/tomcat restart ==> Alternatively, you might want to user the Makefile provided in selection.txt ------------- adduser install ant install apache install apache-common install apt install apt-utils install aptitude install at install base-config install base-files install base-passwd install bash install bind9-host install bsdmainutils install bsdutils install console-common install console-data install console-tools install console-tools-libs install cron install cvs install debconf install debianutils install diff install dnsutils install dpkg install e2fsprogs install exim install fdutils install file install fileutils install findutils install ftp install gettext-base install grep install gzip install hostname install ifupdown install iptables install j2sdk1.4 install java-common install joe install kernel-image-2.4.18-bf2.4 install klogd install less install libapache-auth-ldap install libapache-mod-jk install libapache-mod-ssl install libbz2-1.0 install libc6 install libcap1 install libdb2 install libdb3 install libdns5 install libexpat1 install libfreetype6 install libgdbmg1 install libident install libisc4 install libldap2 install liblwres1 install libmm11 install libncurses5 install libnewt0 install libpam-modules install libpam-runtime install libpam0g install libpcre3 install libpopt0 install libreadline4 install libsasl7 install libsigc++0 install libssl0.9.6 install libstdc++2.10-glibc2.2 install libstdc++2.9-glibc2.1 install libwrap0 install libxerces-java install lilo install locales install login install logrotate install lsof install lynx install make install makedev install mawk install mbr install mime-support install modconf install modutils install mount install ncurses-base install ncurses-bin install ncurses-term install net-tools install netbase install netkit-inetd install netkit-ping install ntp install ntp-simple install nvi install openssl install passwd install perl install perl-base install perl-modules install php4 install procps install psmisc install sed install sharutils install shellutils install slang1 install ssh install strace install sudo install sysklogd install sysvinit install tar install tasksel install tcpd install tcsh install textutils install time install util-linux install util-linux-locales install wget install whiptail install xfree86-common install xlibs install zlib1g install