Install Shibboleth Target 1.2 on Debian (stable)

Author: Valéry Tschopp <> - SWITCH
$Date: 2006/08/11 11:13:05 $
$Revision: 1.14 $



The focus of this document is a detailed building and installation description of Shibboleth Target 1.2 on a Debian GNU/Linux 3.0r2 (woody) stable host using GNU C/C++ compilers.

Note: For general information about the deployment of Shibboleth within the SWITCHaai Federation, please consult the Deployment section of our website.

The installation requires to compile the Shibboleth Target and some libraries from source and therefore to install the necessary building tools and development libraries on your compile host.

Required Libraries

List of libraries required by Shibboleth Target 1.2:

OpenSSL 0.9.6.c
SSL library
libcurl 7.11.2
Transfer library with URL syntax
log4cpp 0.3.4b
Logging library
Xerces-C++ 2.5.0
XML parser library
XML-Security-C 1.1.0
XML digital signature library
OpenSAML 1.0
Security assertion markup language library

Original Install Documentation

For any other platform than Debians stable, please refer directly to the original INSTALL.txt files. They can be found in the source directories <PROJECT>/opensaml-1.0/doc and <PROJECT>/shibboleth-1.2/doc. They contain more detailed informations to build the Shibboleth Target 1.2 and the needed libraries from source on different architectures (Linux, Solaris).

Debian 3.0r2 (woody) stable

Debian GNU/Linux is the reference platform here at SWITCH. The facility to update/upgrade packages and maintain a high security on the host guided our choice.

The tradeoff installing Shibboleth Target 1.2 on Debian stable are:

To install Shibboleth Target 1.2 from source you need some building/development tools. You require a modern C/C++ compiler, a program builder (make) and some development packages.

C/C++ Compiler

Building the libraries and the Shibboleth Target 1.2 will require at least GCC 3.0.4 C/C++ compiler. This compiler can be installed alongside an existing compiler.

Use apt-get to install/update the gcc/g++ 3.0.4 packages:

root# apt-get -u install gcc-3.0 g++-3.0 

Installing these compiler packages will also install a lot of dependent packages.

Environment Variables

You need to set environment variables CC and CXX to use the 3.0.4 C and C++ compilers:

root# export CC=gcc-3.0 
root# export CXX=g++-3.0 
root# export LD_RUN_PATH=/opt/shibboleth-1.2/lib 

Apache Development Package

The Shibboleth Target 1.2 is an Apache dynamic loadable module. Therefore, it must be linked against Apache server and requires the Apache's apxs tool and Apache header files.

To install the Apache development package (C headers and apxs):

root# apt-get -u install apache-dev 

Depending on your current installation, this could also install other dependent packages.


The Shibboleth Target 1.2 as well as the needed libraries will be installed in: /opt/shibboleth-1.2

For security reason the default Debian OpenSSL 0.9.6c library package is used. The other libraries needed by Shibboleth Target 1.2 are not available for the Debian stable and, therefore, must also be compiled and installed from source.

OpenSSL Library

OpenSSL is a toolkit implementing the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL v2/v3) and Transport Layer Security (TLS v1) protocols as well as a full-strength general purpose cryptography library

As mentioned, the default Debian OpenSSL 0.9.6c library package is used. To compile the other libraries you must also install the libssl development package (C headers).

Use apt-get to install/update the libssl 0.9.6c and the libssl development packages:

root# apt-get -u install libssl0.9.6 libssl-dev 

Depending on your current installation, this could install other dependent packages.

cURL Library: libcurl

cURL is a tool for transferring files with URL syntax, supporting HTTPS certificates, HTTP POST, HTTP PUT, FTP uploading, kerberos, HTTP form based upload, proxies, cookies, user+password authentication, file transfer resume, http proxy tunneling and a busload of other useful tricks.

The libcurl 7.11.2 is the preferred version to build Shibboleth Target 1.2.

To build and install the libcurl library:

root# wget
root# tar xvzf curl-7.11.2.tar.gz
root# cd curl-7.11.2
root# ./configure --prefix=/opt/shibboleth-1.2 --with-ssl --without-ca-bundle \
root# make 
root# make install 

The shared library is now installed in /opt/shibboleth-1.2/lib.

Log for C++ Library: log4cpp

Log4cpp is library of C++ classes for flexible logging to files, syslog, IDSA and other destinations. It is modeled after the Log4j Java library, staying as close to their API as is reasonable.

Shibboleth Target 1.2 requires the library version 0.3.4b of log4cpp.

To build and install the log4cpp library:

root# wget
root# tar xvzf log4cpp-0.3.4b.tar.gz
root# cd log4cpp-0.3.4b
root# ./configure --prefix=/opt/shibboleth-1.2 --with-pthreads --disable-static \ 
root# make 
root# make install 

The shared library is now installed in /opt/shibboleth-1.2/lib.

Xerces-C++ Library

Xerces-C++ is a validating XML parser written in a portable subset of C++. Xerces-C++ makes it easy to give your application the ability to read and write XML data.

You have to use the version 2.5 of Xerces-C++, new version 2.6 is incompatible with Shibboleth 1.2. Make sure you set XERCESCROOT (don't forget the C) as appropriate. Also set the -x and -c switches as needed to specify your compilers to run Configure.

To build and install the Xerces-C++ library:

root# wget
root# tar xvzf xerces-c-src_2_5_0.tar.gz
root# cd xerces-c-src_2_5_0
root# export XERCESCROOT=`pwd`
root# cd src/xercesc
root# ./runConfigure -p linux -c gcc-3.0 -x g++-3.0 -r pthread -P /opt/shibboleth-1.2
root# make 
root# make install 

The shared library is now installed in /opt/shibboleth-1.2/lib.

XML-Security C++ Library

The XML Security C++ library is an implementation of the XML Digital Signature specification.

Shibboleth Target 1.2 requires version 1.1.0 of the XML Security library. You'll need to set XERCESCROOT as before, and also set OPENSSL if your OpenSSL installation isn't in a standard place like /usr/lib.

To build and install the XML Security library:

root# wget
root# tar xvzf xml-security-c-1.1.0.tar.gz
root# cd xml-security-c-1.1.0/src
root# export LDFLAGS='-Wl,-rpath,/opt/shibboleth-1.2/lib'
root# export CXXFLAGS='-L/opt/shibboleth-1.2/lib'  
root# ./configure --prefix=/opt/shibboleth-1.2 --without-xalan
root# make 
root# make install 

The shared library is now installed in /opt/shibboleth-1.2/lib.

OpenSAML Library

SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language) is a standard for the formation and exchange of authentication, attribute, and authorization data as XML. OpenSAML is a library which can be used to build, transport, and parse SAML messages. It is able to store the individual information fields that make up a SAML message, build the correct XML representation, and parse XML back into the individual fields before handing it off to a recipient. OpenSAML supports the SOAP binding for the exchange of SAML request and response objects.

The OpenSAML 1.0 library is required by Shibboleth Target 1.2.

To build and install the OpenSAML library:

root# wget
root# tar xvzf opensaml-1.0.tar.gz
root# cd opensaml-1.0
root# ./configure --prefix=/opt/shibboleth-1.2 --with-curl=/opt/shibboleth-1.2 \ 
root# make 
root# make install 

The shared library is now installed in /opt/shibboleth-1.2/lib.

Shibboleth Target 1.2

Building the Shibboleth Target's shar, libraries, test programs, and Apache module is more or less like building OpenSAML.

Apache Requirements

You need to have an Apache in place. You don't have to use the full Apache source code, however you will need to provide the necessary build flags during configure, or ideally, let Shibboleth's configure script use your Apache's apxs script to extract the necessary information.

Also, at a minimum, Apache needs to be built with mod_so enabled for dynamically loading modules. If you encounter problems with crashing or apparent module conflicts, make sure Apache and any modules were built with threading support.

Build and Install Shibboleth Target 1.2

Apache2 is not available on Debian stable, therefore the Shibboleth Target 1.2 module can be built only for Apache 1.3.X.

Meanwhile, if you have locally compiled/installed an Apache2 webserver, you can compile the Shibboleth Target 1.2 module for it. Just add these options to the configure script: --enable-apache-20 --with-apxs2=<PATH_TO_APXS2>.

To build and install the Shibboleth Target Apache module:

root# wget
root# tar xvzf shibboleth-1.2.tar.gz
root# cd shibboleth-1.2
root# ./configure --prefix=/opt/shibboleth-1.2 --enable-apache-13 --with-apxs \
root# make 
root# make install 

The Shibboleth Target shar is now installed in /opt/shibboleth-1.2/bin, the Apache module in /opt/shibboleth-1.2/libexec and the shared library in /opt/shibboleth-1.2/lib.

Debian Administration

Now that the Shibboleth Target 1.2 installation is completed, you must set the correct access permission to the log directory. You can also setup some useful administrative links to help integrating Shibboleth in the Debian environment.

Log Access Permission

On Debian the Apache webserver is run under the special www-data user. You must grant this user write access to the Shibboleth log directory to allow the Shibboleth Target 1.2 Apache module to log its operations in shire.log and rotates the log files.

Set the correct access permission to the log directory:

root# cd /opt/shibboleth-1.2/var/log
root# chown root:www-data shibboleth
root# chmod 775 shibboleth

Administrative Links

Setup useful Debian administrative links:

root# cd /opt
root# ln -s shibboleth-1.2 shibboleth
root# cd /etc
root# ln -s /opt/shibboleth-1.2/etc/shibboleth shibboleth
root# cd /var/log
root# ln -s /opt/shibboleth-1.2/var/log/shibboleth shibboleth

Links and further References

$Id: install-target-1.2-debian.html,v 1.14 2006/08/11 11:13:05 tschopp Exp $