Switch edu-ID Attribute Specification

The Attribute Specification for the Switch edu-ID Federation document is the reference for attributes used in the Switch edu-ID Federation. Administrators of IdPs and SPs should be familiar with this document.

Recent changes of the document

Implementing the changes on the IdP and SP

Identity Provider administrators might be interested in LDAP schema files in LDIF syntax to extend their LDAP configuration.

Service Provider administrators can check with the "Attribute Release Inspector" on the Resource Registry, which attributes the service receives from which organisation. Access requires authentication with a Switch edu-ID account.

Core attributes are mandatory to implement by organizations, other attributes are optional to implement.

User friendly names     LDAP names

Core attributes

Switch edu-ID Core AttributesInterfederation Core Attributes
Given name
Home organization
Home organization type
Scoped affiliation
Targeted ID
Unique ID
Common name
Display name
eduPerson unique ID
Principal name
SCHAC home organization
SCHAC home organization type

Other attributes

Switch edu-ID Other AttributesInternational Other Attributes
Canton of residence
Card UID
Date of birth
edu-ID active user
edu-ID associated e-mail
edu-ID assurance level
edu-ID internal identifier
edu-ID linked affiliation
edu-ID linked affiliation e-mail
edu-ID linked affiliation unique ID
edu-ID private unique ID
Library patron affiliation
Library patron residence
Matriculation number
Minimum age category
Organizational e-mail
Private e-mail
Staff category
Study branch 1
Study branch 2
Study branch 3
Study level
Assurance profile
Business phone number
Business postal address
Employee number
Home postal address
Member of
Mobile phone number
Nick name
ORCID identifier
Organization path
Organizational unit
Organizational unit path
Pairwise subject ID
Preferred language
Primary affiliation
Primary organizational unit
Private phone number
SCHAC country of citizenship
SCHAC personal unique code
SSH public key
Subject ID
User ID
User ID number
User principal name

All attribute definitions in a single document: Switch edu-ID Attribute Specification