edu-ID internal identifier othershow all attributes | |
Name | swissEduID |
Description | The Switch edu-ID persistent identifier for Swiss Higher Education users |
Vocabulary | not applicable, no controlled vocabulary |
References | RFC4122, eduIDSpec |
Claim: swissEduID Type: string Scope: |
OID | 2.16.756. |
LDAP Syntax | Directory String |
# of values | single |
Example values |
The identifier is associated to a user for her/his entire life. The swissEduID should only be used internally to link personal data over a long period of time between services or applications and across institutional boundaries.
The swissEduID SHOULD NOT be exposed to users.
The swissEduID is a UUID version 4 string according toRFC4122, where the hex digits MUST be lower case, despite the standard would allow lower or upper case.
A swissEduID issued to a real person has not the value 0 in all the first 16 bits (the first 4 hex digits).
A swissEduID that has the value 0 in all the 16 leading bits (in the first 4 hex digits) is reserved for examples, developments, tests, debugging etc.
All attribute definitions in a single document: Switch edu-ID Attribute Specification