Card UID   othershow all attributes
Name swissEduPersonCardUID
Description Card unique identifier
Vocabulary not applicable, no controlled vocabulary
References ISO15693
OIDC n/a
OID 2.16.756.
LDAP Syntax Directory String
# of values multi
Example values
  • E002219C5298303B@ISO15693


The value of the attribute is composed of the card identifier followed by a separator (the @ sign) and an identifier for the type of card ID used.

For RFID Cards with the UID format defined in the ISO standardISO15693, the identifier for the card type is ISO15693. The value is formatted as specified in the ISO 15693 standard, a 64-bit unique identifier with the most significant bytes first. The value is represented as a hexadecimal string.

For card identifiers not defined in a widely accepted standard, the identifier for the type can be set to the domain name of the home institution that generated the number (local identifier).

All attribute definitions in a single document: Switch edu-ID Attribute Specification