Home organization type coreshow all attributes | |
Name | swissEduPersonHomeOrganizationType |
Description | Type of a home organization |
Vocabulary | university, uas, hospital, library, tertiaryb, uppersecondary, vho, others |
References | Swiss AAQ |
OIDC | n/a |
OID | 2.16.756. |
LDAP Syntax | Directory String |
# of values | single |
Example values |
universityUniversity or federal institute of technology accredited by Swiss AAQ
uasUniversity of applied sciences or university of teacher education accredited by Swiss AAQ
hospitalThe institution is a hospital
libraryThe institution is a library
tertiarybProfessional education and training (PET) college (Höhere Fachschule, école supérieure), which is an institution on the tertiary B level SERI-edu
uppersecondaryVocational education and training school or general education school on the upper secondary level SERI-edu
vhoVirtual home organization
othersInstitution for which none of the other values match
All attribute definitions in a single document: Switch edu-ID Attribute Specification