July 2019

  • Video abstracts and channel descriptions can now be added and changed using a rich text editor. There’s no longer a need to use codes for bold, italic, links, or any other formatting.
  • You can now upload your own thumbnail images to use with your video.

November 2018

  • Comments! Authenticated users can now comment on all video in a channel when the “Comments” channel setting has been enabled.
  • You can now easily get a link to a specific playback position in a video using the “Share” button below the player.
  • A new “External playback” channel setting allows video to be loaded in external players.

May 2018

  • The video license options have been updated to Creative Commons 4.0 International. The 4.0 licenses are applicable to most jurisdictions and no longer require national ports.

If you’re using earlier version Creative Commons licenses for your video, it’s recommended to update to the equivalent 4.0 version on the “Edit video” page.

January 2018

  • The channel and video history has been redesigned. The channel history overview now also lists all the changes made to its videos, making it easier to find out what has happened in your channels.
  • You can now see more details when something was changed, including the old and new values of the channel title, settings, and permissions, and the video title, episode, license, and publication status.
  • History entries are now also created when channel collaborators are added, invited, or removed, when video is moved or copied, when documents are added or removed, when channel ownership is transferred, and when subtitles are added, edited, imported, published, and removed.

Please note that past channel and video history entries from before this change might contain less detailed information.

August 2017

  • You can now add subtitles and closed captions to your videos. These can be imported from SubRip and WebVTT format subtitle files, or added using the built-in subtitle editor.
  • Channels can now be marked as “Open Channel”. These Open Channels contain teaching, learning, and research videos that can be freely used and re-purposed.
  • The general ”Home” page now contains a link to an overview page of Open Channels in the top navigation.
  • On the “Search” page, you can now toggle between searching within your organization only or searching across all organizations.

An Open Channel is an easy way to make your videos publicly available. Create an Open Channel, or change your existing channel into an Open Channel to promote your content as a valuable educational resource that can be used and shared freely.

  • The channel page of a channel with the “anyone with the link to the video” view permission is no longer publicly available. Videos in channels with this view permission are still public, but no longer show the title of their channel.

March 2017

  • The player now shows its own video controls when you go fullscreen.
  • You can now hold the “Shift” button while scrubbing using the “Left” and “Right” cursor keys on your keyboard to step forward and backward in steps of 1/30th of a second.
  • Scrubbing using the “Left” and “Right” cursor keys on your keyboard now uses smaller steps when the video is short. Videos longer than 150 seconds still use steps that are 15 seconds long.
  • During playback, the player now starts out showing time played instead of time remaining. You can still toggle between time played and time remaining by clicking the time display.
  • The player now includes a control to enable Apple AirPlay when it is available.

February 2017

  • The view permission for new channels now defaults to “Authenticated users within your organization only”.
  • You’re now warned before the upload starts when you try to add a video that’s larger than the maximum file size supported.