Organizational unit path   othershow all attributes
Name eduPersonOrgUnitDN
Description The distinguished name (DN) of the directory entries representing the person's Organizational Unit(s)
Vocabulary not applicable, no controlled vocabulary
References eduPerson
OIDC n/a
LDAP Syntax Directory String
# of values multi
Example values
  • ou=Faculte des sciences,o=Universite de Lausanne,c=CH
  • ou=Potions,o=Hogwarts,dc=hsww,dc=wiz


The distinguished name(s) (DN) of the directory entries representing the person's Organizational Unit(s). May be multivalued, as for example, in the case of a faculty member with appointments in multiple departments or a person who is a student in one department and an employee in another.


The directory entry pointed to by this DN should be represented in the X.521(2001) "organizational unit" object class.


  • With a distinguished name, the client can do an efficient lookup in the institution's directory for information about the person's organizational unit(s).

All attribute definitions in a single document: Switch edu-ID Attribute Specification