Primary affiliation   othershow all attributes
Name eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation
Description The person's primary relationship to the institution
Vocabulary see controlled vocabulary for eduPersonAffiliation
References eduPerson
OIDC n/a
LDAP Syntax Directory String
# of values single
Example values
  • student


Specifies the person's primary relationship to the institution in broad categories such as student, faculty, staff, alum, etc. (See controlled vocabulary).


  • In the Switch edu-ID federation, the value employee MUST NOT be used. Use staff instead.


  • Appropriate if the person carries at least one of the defined eduPersonAffiliations. The choices of values are the same as for that attribute.

  • Think of this as the affiliation one might put on the name tag if this person were to attend a general institutional social gathering. Note that the single-valued eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation attribute assigns each person in the directory into one and only one category of affiliation. There are application scenarios where this would be useful.

  • See eduPersonAffiliation for further details.

All attribute definitions in a single document: Switch edu-ID Attribute Specification