Switch edu-ID Home Organizations

Find below all Switch edu-ID Home Organizations and their helpdesk contacts.

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BFH - Berner Fachhochschule www.bfh.ch
Support:BFH Service Desk, +41 31 848 48 48
Careum www.careum.ch
No Helpdesk web page specified
Support:IT-Support Careum Stiftung, +41 43 222 50 09
CERN www.cern.ch
No Helpdesk web page specified
Support:CERN Service Desk,
Security:CERN Computer Security Team,
CHUV - Centre hospitalier universitaire vaudois www.chuv.ch
No Helpdesk web page specified
Support:Support AAI,
Eawag www.eawag.ch
No Helpdesk web page specified
Support:Raoul Schaffner,
Security:Raoul Schaffner,
Security:Mathias Bothe,
Eidg. Hochschule für Sport Magglingen www.ehsm.ch
No Helpdesk web page specified
Support:Studadmin Support Team,
Support:Paolo Dünner,
Security:Fritz Amsler,
Empa www.empa.ch
Support:Burkhalter Patrik,
Security:Burkhalter Patrik,
Security:Pajic Danilo,
EPFL - EPF Lausanne www.epfl.ch
Support:AAI EPFL Team,
Security:Computer Security Team,
ETH Zurich www.ethz.ch
Support:ETH ID Service Desk, +41 44 632 7777
Security:ETH AAI IdP Team,
Security:ETH ID Service Desk, +41 44 632 7777
FernUni Schweiz www.fernuni.ch
Support:Support FernUni Schweiz, +41 27 922 7050
Security:Joerg Andenmatten, +41 27 922 7067
FFHS - Fernfachhochschule Schweiz www.ffhs.ch
Support:Support Technical Contact, +41 27 510 38 38
Security:Support Technical Contact, +41 27 510 38 38
FHGR - Fachhochschule Graubünden www.fhgr.ch
Support:AAI FHGR,
Security:FHGR Security Team,
FHNW - Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz www.fhnw.ch
Support:Helpdesk AAI FHNW,
FMI - Friedrich Miescher Institute www.fmi.ch
Support:Helpdesk IT,
Security:Dean Flanders,
Security:Helpdesk IT,
HEP Vaud - Haute école pédagogique du canton de Vaud www.hepl.ch
Support:Helpdesk HEP Vaud, +41 21 316 0606
Security:Helpdesk HEP Vaud, +41 21 316 0606
HEP-BEJUNE - Haute Ecole Pédagogique BEJUNE www.hep-bejune.ch
Support:Help desk, +41 32 886 9990
HEP-PH FR - University of Teacher Education Fribourg www.hepfr.ch
No Helpdesk web page specified
Support:Service TIC HEP|PH FR,
HEP-VS - Haute école pédagogique du Valais www.hepvs.ch
Support:Helpdesk HEPVs,
HES-SO - Haute Ecole Spécialisée de Suisse occidentale www.hes-so.ch
Support:Equipe AAI HES-SO,
Security:Olivier Beytrison,
HFGS - Höhere Fachschule Gesundheit und Soziales www.hfgs.ch
Support:Angela Bachmann,
HfH - Interkantonale Hochschule für Heilpädagogik www.hfh.ch
Support:HfH IT-Services,
HFTM - Höhere Fachschule für Technik Mittelland www.hftm.ch
Support:Helpdesk HFTM, +41 32 654 12 30
HSLU - Hochschule Luzern www.hslu.ch
Support:Hochschule Luzern - IT Services (Hotline), +41 41 228 2121
HUG - Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève www.hcuge.ch
Support:Service Desk, +41 22 372 40 40
HWZ - Hochschule für Wirtschaft Zürich www.fh-hwz.ch
No Helpdesk web page specified
Support:Support HWZ, 0433222690
Security:Rico Sandmeier,
Idiap Research Institute www.idiap.ch
Support:Idiap Helpdesk, +41 27 721 7777
Security:Idiap Helpdesk, +41 27 721 7777
Insel Gruppe www.insel.ch
No Helpdesk web page specified
Support:AAI-Support Inselspital,
Institut de hautes études internationales et du développement www.graduateinstitute.ch
Support:Helpdesk Graduate Institute, +41 22 908 4444
OST - Ostschweizer Fachhochschule www.ost.ch
No Helpdesk web page specified
Support:Servicedesk Support Contact, +41 58 257 16 66
Security:ICT Security,
Pädagogische Hochschule Schaffhausen www.phsh.ch
No Helpdesk web page specified
Support:PHSH Support,
PH NMS Bern www.phnmsbern.ch
No Helpdesk web page specified
Support:Rolf Brugger,
PH Zug - Pädagogische Hochschule Zug www.phzg.ch
Support:PH Zug Support,
PH Zürich - Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich www.phzh.ch
Support:Support Informatikdienste, +41 43 305 6000
PHBern - Pädagogische Hochschule Bern www.phbern.ch
Support:Informatik Support Team,
PHGR - Pädagogische Hochschule Graubünden www.phgr.ch
Support:Support PHGR, +41813540333
Security:Support PHGR, +41813540333
PHLU - Pädagogische Hochschule Luzern www.phlu.ch
Support:Hochschule Luzern - IT Services (Hotline), +41 41 228 2121
PHSG - Pädagogische Hochschule St.Gallen www.phsg.ch
Support:PHSG Helpdesk,
PHSZ - Pädagogische Hochschule Schwyz www.phsz.ch
Support:Lothar Gwerder, +41 41 859 0593
PHTG - Pädagogische Hochschule Thurgau www.phtg.ch
Support:IT Systemtechnik,
PMOD/WRC - Observatory Davos www.pmodwrc.ch
Support:Fabrizio Vignali, +41 81 417 5177
Support:Marco Senft, +41 81 417 5149
Security:Fabrizio Vignali, +41 81 417 5177
Security:Marco Senft, +41 81 417 5149
PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut www.psi.ch
Support:PSI Helpdesk, +41 56 310 8400
Security:IT Security,
SFUVET - Swiss Federal University for Vocational Education and Training www.sfivet.swiss
Support:Servicedesk EHB, +41 58 458 2838
SLSP - Swiss Library Service Platform www.slsp.ch
No Helpdesk web page specified
Support:Lukas Hämmerle,
SNSF - Swiss National Science Foundation www.snf.ch
No Helpdesk web page specified
Support:Helpdesk SNF, +41 31 308 2113
SUPSI - Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera Italiana www.supsi.ch
Support:SUPSI Helpdesk,
Security:Damiano Bianchi,
swissuniversities www.swissuniversities.ch
No Helpdesk web page specified
Support:AAI Helpdesk,
Switch www.switch.ch
Support:Switch edu-ID Team,
Security:Switch edu-ID Team,
Switch edu-ID www.eduid.ch
Support:Switch edu-ID Support,
Security:Switch edu-ID Team,
Switch edu-ID OIDC www.eduid.ch
Support:SWITCH edu-ID Support,
Security:SWITCH edu-ID Team,
Università della Svizzera italiana www.unisi.ch
No Helpdesk web page specified
Support:Helpdesk AAI,
Security:Sicurezza IT,
Universität Basel www.unibas.ch
Support:Support ITS,
Security:Security Team,
Universität Bern www.unibe.ch
Support:AAI Support,
Security:ID Security,
Universität Liechtenstein www.uni.li
Support:AAI Team,
Security:Security Team,
Universität Luzern www.unilu.ch
Support:Helpdesk Universität Luzern,
Universität St.Gallen www.unisg.ch
Support:Service Desk,
Universität Zürich www.uzh.ch
Support:UZH ZI Servicedesk,
Security:UZH Security Incident,
Universitätsklinik Balgrist www.balgrist.ch
No Helpdesk web page specified
Support:SWITCHaai Team,
Universitätsspital Basel www.usb.ch
No Helpdesk web page specified
Support:SWITCH edu-ID Support,
Security:SWITCH edu-ID Team,
Universitätsspital Zürich www.usz.ch
Support:USZ AAI Support, +41 44 255 4040
Security:Raphael Volz, +41 43 253 08 53
Université de Fribourg www.unifr.ch
Support:AAI Uni Fribourg, +41 26 300 7220
Security:Tissot Jacques, +41 26 300 7207
Université de Genève www.unige.ch
Support:Help Help desk for the University of Geneva, +41 22 379 7000
Support:Centre d'accueil Help desk for the University of Geneva,
Security:UNIGE Security Team, +41 22 379 7265
Université de Lausanne www.unil.ch
Support:HelpDesk UNIL, +41 21 692 2211
Support:Equipe AAI,
Security:AAI team,
Security:Alexandre Roy, +41 21 692 2233
Security:Christopher Greiner, +41 21 692 2193
Université de Neuchâtel www.unine.ch
No Helpdesk web page specified
Support:Hotline SITEL, +41 32 718 2010
Security:AAI Unine Team, +41 32 718 2010
VHO - Virtual Home Organization www.vho-switchaai.ch
Support:SWITCHaai Team,
Security:SWITCHaai Team,
WSL - Eidg. Forschungsanstalt für Wald, Schnee und Landschaft www.wsl.ch
Support:Helpdesk Support Contact,
Zentral- und Hochschulbibliothek Luzern www.zhbluzern.ch
No Helpdesk web page specified
Support:Helpdesk Universität Luzern,
ZHAW - Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften www.zhaw.ch
Support:Service Desk Support Contact, +41 58 934 6677
Security:ZHAW ICT Security,
ZHdK - Zürcher Hochschule der Künste www.zhdk.ch
Support:Service ITZ,
Security:Service ITZ,