Study branch 2   othershow all attributes
Name swissEduPersonStudyBranch2
Description Study branch of a student, intermediate level of classification
Vocabulary controlled, see below
References SIUS/SHIS
OIDC n/a
OID 2.16.756.
LDAP Syntax Integer {6}
# of values multi
Example values
  • 42
  • 62


This attribute follows the catalog of study branches of theSIUS/SHIS. It is classified in branch, domain of branch and group of domain. This attribute is a code corresponding to the domain of branch.

Find possible values for swissEduPersonHomeOrganizationType = university in the first column of the uniStudyBranch2.csv file or for swissEduPersonHomeOrganizationType = uas in the first column of the uasStudyBranch2.csv file. See Appendix A: 'Code lists' in theAttribute Specification.


  • This attribute is meaningful only if the person is a student (eduPersonAffiliation = student).

  • The uniStudyBranch2.csv file (uasStudyBranch2.csv) lists possible values of this attribute and the corresponding meaning in German and French.
    Example: the value 42 means that the student is studying in a branch belonging to "Naturwissenschaften" ("Sciences naturelles").

  • If a value of this attribute is set, it always implies a value of swissEduPersonStudyBranch1 even if it is not explicitly defined; it is the value given on the fourth column of the csv file.
    Example: swissEduPersonStudyBranch2 = 42 means that swissEduPersonStudyBranch1 = 4.

All attribute definitions in a single document: Switch edu-ID Attribute Specification