SWITCHpki Meeting Slides
5th SWITCHpki RA Operator Meeting
(Berne, 29 March 2017)
4th SWITCHpki RA Operator Meeting
(Berne, 15 June 2010)
3rd SWITCHpki RA Operator Meeting
(Berne, 1 October 2008)
2nd SWITCHpki RA Operator Meeting
(Berne, 18 April 2007)
SWITCHpki Role and Strategy
[PDF 0.8 MB]
Christoph Witzig, SWITCH
SWITCHpki: a short review of the past year
[PDF 0.4 MB]
Kaspar Brand, SWITCH
Registration Authority at ETH Zurich
[PDF 0.9 MB]
Tolga Coban, Dieter Hennig, Michael Koloff, ETH Zurich
RA Basic vs. RA Extended: which one to choose?
[PDF 0.8 MB]
Kaspar Brand, SWITCH
SWITCHslcs, the new AAI-based short-lived credential service for Grid users
[PDF 3.0 MB]
Christoph Witzig, SWITCH
The new PostZertifikat: first hands-on experience
[PDF 0.6 MB]
Kaspar Brand, SWITCH
Name-based SSL virtual hosts: how to tackle the problem
[PDF 0.5 MB]
Kaspar Brand, SWITCH
EV certificates: is it really time to Go Green?
[PDF 0.6 MB]
Kaspar Brand, SWITCH
1st SWITCHpki RA Operator Meeting
(Berne, 28 March 2006)
SWITCHpki: looking back and ahead
[PDF 0.9 MB]
Christoph Graf, SWITCH
SWITCHpki SSL certificates vs. $15 low-cost certificates from LiteSSL, RapidSSL & Co.: why assurance matters
[PDF 1.3 MB]
Kaspar Brand, SWITCH
Being/becoming a SWITCHpki RA operator: expectations, obligations and privileges
[PDF 1.0 MB]
Updated version (Nov. 2016):
The SWITCHpki RA Operator: role and responsibilities
[PDF 990 KB]
Kaspar Brand, SWITCH
SCS: the new Server Certificate Service offering from SWITCH/TERENA
[PDF 3.7 MB]
Kaspar Brand, SWITCH
About SwissSign: New root keys and the ZertES certification
[PDF 2.0 MB]
Christoph Graf, SWITCH
SwissSign vs. SCS certificates: which one is right for you?
[PDF 0.5 MB]
Kaspar Brand, SWITCH
Experiences running a private PKI @ University of Zurich
[PDF 0.4 MB]
Roberto Mazzoni, University of Zurich
Digitally signed reports and diplomas for the students of the University of Applied Sciences Berne (BFH)
[PDF 0.3 MB]
Gerhard Hassenstein, Berner Fachhochschule
X.509 user certificates in the Grid world: current state and future directions
[PDF 2.2 MB]
Christoph Witzig, SWITCH
SWITCHpki service launch (Berne, 23 March 2004)
[PDF 1.8 MB]