Resources of

The Resources below are sorted alphabetically and exclude Resources that are used for testing/developing purposes or Resources only for internal use within an organization.


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Switch edu-ID
No Helpdesk web page specified
Bibliorossica.сom is an electronic library system with over 26,000 editions of the top Russian scholarly publishers in Humanities.

No Helpdesk web page specified
[en]CIIP -
Resource for that is going to be the staging environment

edu-ID Account Management
No Helpdesk web page specified
[en]edu-ID Account Management
Update and extend your edu-ID account.
[de]edu-ID Kontoverwaltung
Aktualisieren und erweitern Sie Ihr edu-ID Benutzerkonto.
[fr]Gestion du compte edu-ID
Mettez à jour votre compte edu-ID.
[it]Gestione del conto edu-ID
Aggiorna il tuo conto edu-ID

edu-ID Account Management
Helpdesk web page
[en]edu-ID Account Management
Manage your edu-ID account.
[de]edu-ID Kontoverwaltung
Verwalten Sie Ihr edu-ID Benutzerkonto.
[fr]Gestion du compte edu-ID
Mettez à jour votre compte edu-ID.
[it]Gestione del conto edu-ID
Aggiorna il tuo conto edu-ID.

edu-ID Account Management (restricted)
Helpdesk web page
[en]edu-ID Account Management (restricted)
Access to parts of the edu-ID account management where only password is required
[de]edu-ID Kontoverwaltung (eingeschränkt)
Zugang zu Teilen der edu-ID Kontoverwaltung, für die nur ein Passwort erforderlich ist
[fr]Gestion du compte edu-ID (restreint)
Accès aux parties de la gestion du compte edu-ID où seul le mot de passe est requis
[it]Gestione del conto edu-ID (limitato)
Accesso alle parti della gestione del conto edu-ID per le quali è richiesta solo la password.

No Helpdesk web page specified
GObugfree's vulnerability management platform.

Sign & Print Webshop
Helpdesk web page
[en]Sign & Print Webshop
The purpose of this service is to give ETH Zurich students and staff access to large format printing.

Switch edu-ID OIDC
No Helpdesk web page specified
Bibliorossica.сom is an electronic library system with over 26,000 editions of the top Russian scholarly publishers in Humanities.

No Helpdesk web page specified
[en]CIIP -
Resource for that is going to be the staging environment

edu-ID Account Management
No Helpdesk web page specified
[en]edu-ID Account Management
Update and extend your edu-ID account.
[de]edu-ID Kontoverwaltung
Aktualisieren und erweitern Sie Ihr edu-ID Benutzerkonto.
[fr]Gestion du compte edu-ID
Mettez à jour votre compte edu-ID.
[it]Gestione del conto edu-ID
Aggiorna il tuo conto edu-ID

edu-ID Account Management
Helpdesk web page
[en]edu-ID Account Management
Manage your edu-ID account.
[de]edu-ID Kontoverwaltung
Verwalten Sie Ihr edu-ID Benutzerkonto.
[fr]Gestion du compte edu-ID
Mettez à jour votre compte edu-ID.
[it]Gestione del conto edu-ID
Aggiorna il tuo conto edu-ID.

edu-ID Account Management (restricted)
Helpdesk web page
[en]edu-ID Account Management (restricted)
Access to parts of the edu-ID account management where only password is required
[de]edu-ID Kontoverwaltung (eingeschränkt)
Zugang zu Teilen der edu-ID Kontoverwaltung, für die nur ein Passwort erforderlich ist
[fr]Gestion du compte edu-ID (restreint)
Accès aux parties de la gestion du compte edu-ID où seul le mot de passe est requis
[it]Gestione del conto edu-ID (limitato)
Accesso alle parti della gestione del conto edu-ID per le quali è richiesta solo la password.

No Helpdesk web page specified
GObugfree's vulnerability management platform.

Sign & Print Webshop
Helpdesk web page
[en]Sign & Print Webshop
The purpose of this service is to give ETH Zurich students and staff access to large format printing.