Resources of

The Resources below are sorted alphabetically and exclude Resources that are used for testing/developing purposes or Resources only for internal use within an organization.


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HSLU - Hochschule Luzern
Animation Luzern Wiki
Helpdesk web page
[en]Animation Luzern Wiki
A wiki for information about the animation department and promotion of student projects

Digital Construction Auth Web
Helpdesk web page
[en]Digital Construction Auth Web
Digital Construction Web Identity Provider

Helpdesk web page
[en]HSLU EDUID Linking
Campus Login - EDUID Linking

No Helpdesk web page specified
Management software for educational processes at departments of the HSLU
Verwaltungssoftware für Ausbildungsprozesse an Departementen der HSLU

HSLU Onlineanmeldung
Helpdesk web page
[de]HSLU Onlineanmeldung
Für die Online-Anmeldung benötigen Sie ein SWITCH edu-ID Konto. Wenn Sie noch kein SWITCH edu-ID Konto haben, können Sie jetzt ein Konto erstellen.
[en]HSLU Onlineanmeldung
For Online Application you need an SWITCH edu-ID account. If you don't have one already, please create it now.

HSLU Renku
No Helpdesk web page specified
[en]HSLU Renku
Get Access to HSLU Renku

HSLU Renku
No Helpdesk web page specified
[en]HSLU Renku
HSLU Renku
Helpdesk web page
Wir sind dein Partner für deine berufliche Vernetzung und Weiterentwicklung.

No Helpdesk web page specified

Lab Services GPUHub
No Helpdesk web page specified
[en]Lab Services GPUHub
The Lab Services GPUHub is a JupyterHub instance with dedicated GPUs

Lab Services Identity Provider
No Helpdesk web page specified
[en]Lab Services Identity Provider
Lab Services Identity Provider

Lab Services IdP Dev
No Helpdesk web page specified
[en]Lab Services IdP Dev
Lab Services Identity Provider Dev

Mobility Online HSLU
No Helpdesk web page specified
[en]Mobility Online HSLU
Mobility Online HSLU

Schedule TA
Helpdesk web page
[en]Schedule TA
Schedule of Lucerne School of Engineering and Architecture