Resources of

The Resources below are sorted alphabetically and exclude Resources that are used for testing/developing purposes or Resources only for internal use within an organization.


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ZHdK - Zürcher Hochschule der Künste
Bloomsbury Academic
No Helpdesk web page specified
[en]Bloomsbury Academic
Bloomsbury Professional Online is the chosen online service platform for thousands of users in the UK tax, and Irish law and tax sectors.

filmfriend - zhdk
No Helpdesk web page specified
[en]filmfriend - zhdk
Authentifizierung für die Streaming-Plattform filmfriend.

leihs Switch AAI authentication
No Helpdesk web page specified
[en]leihs Switch AAI authentication
leihs Switch AAI authentication

Portfolio Datenbank der HSLU
Helpdesk web page
[en]Portfolio Datenbank der HSLU
Portfolio Datenbank der HSLU

Refline / ZHdK
No Helpdesk web page specified
[en]Refline / ZHdK
Refline SSO for ZHdK

ZHdK E-Learning Plattform (Musik)
Helpdesk web page
[en]ZHdK E-Learning Plattform (Musik)
ZHdK E-Learning Plattform des Departements Musik.