Federation Partners
Currently, the following organizations have signed the Switch edu-ID Federation Partner Agreement and thus are Switch edu-ID Federation Partners.
Switch has defined a formal procedure how an organization can become a federation partner and what the requirements are. Read more on the Federation Partner page
Federation Partner Plus
Federation Partners permitted to operate an IdP |
Careum Stiftung, Zürich, CH |
CERN, Geneva, CH |
Centre hospitalier universitaire vaudois, Lausanne, CH |
Eidgenössische Hochschule für Sport Magglingen EHSM, Magglingen, CH |
ETH Alumni Vereinigung, CH |
FernUni Schweiz, Brig, CH |
FMI - Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research, Basel, CH |
The Graduate Institute, Geneva, CH |
HFGS - Höhere Fachschule Gesundheit und Soziales, Aarau, CH |
HFTM - Höhere Fachschule für Technik Mittelland, Grenchen, CH |
HUG - Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève, Genève, CH |
Idiap Research Institute, Martigny, CH |
IMD - International Institute for Management Development, Lausanne, CH |
Insel Gruppe AG, Bern, CH |
RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland, Martigny, CH |
Schweizerisches Forschungsinstitut für Hochgebirgsklima und Medizin in Davos , Davos, CH |
Schweizerischer Nationalfonds, Bern, CH |
SLSP Swiss Library Services Platform AG, Zürich, CH |
swissuniversities, Bern, CH |
Universität Liechtenstein, Vaduz, LI |
Universitätsklinik Balgrist, Zürich, CH |
Universitätsspital Basel, Basel, CH |
UniversitätsSpital Zürich, Zürich, CH |
Zentralbibliothek Zürich, Zürich, CH |
ZHB Luzern, Zentral- und Hochschulbibliothek Luzern, Luzern, CH |
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Federation Partner Basic
Community Portals |
Schweizerische Akademie der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften (SAGW), CH
Universität Bern signed the application form as supporting organisation
Digital Content Providers |
ACM - Association for Computing Machinery, US
Switch is the supporting organisation
American Chemical Society, US
Switch is the supporting organisation
Annual Reviews, US
Switch is the supporting organisation
Antares Project GmbH, DE
Switch is the supporting organisation
ART Computer SA, CH
EPFL signed the application form as supporting organisation
ARTE Education, FR
Switch signed the application form as supporting organisation
ARTstor, US
Switch is the supporting organisation
Atypon Systems, Inc., US
Switch is the supporting organisation
Bibliorossica, Academic Studies Press, US
Switch is the supporting organisation
BioOne, US
Switch is the supporting organisation
Bureau van Dijk, BE
Switch is the supporting organisation
Cambridge University Press, UK
Switch is the supporting organisation
Carl Hanser Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, DE
Switch is the supporting organisation
UNIL signed the application form as supporting organisation
ChronosHub ApS, DK
UNIL signed the application form as supporting organisation
Clarivate Analytics (former Thomson Reuters (Scientific)), US
ETH Zürich signed the application form as supporting organisation
Connected Papers, IL
ETH Zürich signed the application form as supporting organisation
Cyberlibris SA, BE
HES-SO signed the application form as supporting organisation
De Gruyter, DE
Universität Zürich signed the application form as supporting organisation
Dike Verlag AG, CH
Universität Zürich signed the application form as supporting organisation
divibib GmbH, DE
Switch is the supporting organisation
EBSCO Publishing, US
ETH Zürich signed the application form as supporting organisation
Elsevier, NL
ETH Zürich signed the application form as supporting organisation
Emerald Group Publishing Limited, UK
Switch is the supporting organisation
filmwerte GmbH, DE
ZHdK - Zürcher Hochschule der Künste signed the application form as supporting organisation
GBI-Genios Deutsche Wirtschaftsdatenbank GmbH, DE
Switch is the supporting organisation
Georg Thieme Verlag KG, DE
Switch is the supporting organisation
getAbstract AG, CH
FHNW signed the application form as supporting organisation
HighWire | Stanford University, US
Switch is the supporting organisation
IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, US
ETH Zürich signed the application form as supporting organisation
Switch is the supporting organisation
Informa UK Limited (trading as Taylor & Francis), UK
Switch is the supporting organisation
isolutions AG, CH
Switch is the supporting organisation
John Wiley & Sons, UK
Switch is the supporting organisation
Johns Hopkins University Press, US
Université de Genève signed the application form as supporting organisation
Kluwer Law International B.V., NL
Switch is the supporting organisation
LMVZ, Lehrmittelverlag Zürich, CH
Switch is the supporting organisation
lynda.com, a LinkedIn company, US
Switch is the supporting organisation
Mary Ann Liebert Inc., US
Switch is the supporting organisation
MetaPress, A Division of EBSCO Online, Inc., US
ETH Zürich signed the application form as supporting organisation
Munzinger-Archiv GmbH, DE
Switch is the supporting organisation
Nature Publishing Group, UK
Switch is the supporting organisation
NE GmbH (Brockhaus), DE
Switch is the supporting organisation
Neue Zürcher Zeitung AG, CH
Switch is the supporting organisation
nkoda Limited, CH
Zentralbibliothek Zürich signed the application form as supporting organisation
Oxford University Press, UK
Switch is the supporting organisation
OverDrive, Inc., US
Zentralbibliothek Zürich signed the application form as supporting organisation
Peter Lang Copyright AG, CH
Université de Genève signed the application form as supporting organisation
Preselect.media GmbH, DE
Switch is the supporting organisation
PressReader, CA
Switch is the supporting organisation
ProQuest LLC, UK
ETH Zürich signed the application form as supporting organisation
Recorded Books, Inc., US
Zürcher Hochschule der Künste signed the application form as supporting organisation
reelport GmbH, DE (ava-library.com)
Zentralbibliothek Zürich signed the application form as supporting organisation
Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale (RILM), US
Switch is the supporting organisation
Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), UK
Switch is the supporting organisation
S. Karger AG, CH
Universität Basel signed the application form as supporting organisation
Schulverlag plus AG, CH
PHBern signed the application form as supporting organisation
Schwabe AG, CH
Switch is the supporting organisation
Schweizerische Normen-Vereinigung SNV, CH
ZHAW signed the application form as supporting organisation
Schweizerisches Bundesgericht Tribunal fédéral suisse Tribunale federale svizzero
Universität St. Gallen signed the application form as supporting organisation
Springer-Verlag London Ltd, UK
Switch is the supporting organisation
Statista GmbH, DE
Zürcher Hochschule der Künste signed the application form as supporting organisation
Swissdox AG, CH
Switch is the supporting organisation
Trans Tech Publications Ltd., CH
Switch is the supporting organisation
Uchronic SA, CH
Switch is the supporting organisation on behalf of HES-SO
University Masaryk, CZ
Universität Zürich signed the application form as supporting organisation
Universitätsbibliothek Freiburg, DE
Universität Basel signed the application form as supporting organisation
Werft22 AG, CH
Zürcher Hochschule der Künste signed the application form as supporting organisation
William S Hein & Co., Inc., US
Switch is the supporting organisation
wissenmedia in der inmediaONE] GmbH, DE
Switch is the supporting organisation
Wolters Kluwer Health - Ovid, US
Universität Zürich signed the application form as supporting organisation
E-Learning, E-Assessment |
Bildungsdirektoren-Konferenz Zentralschweiz (BKZ), CH
Pädagogische Hochschule Luzern signed the application form as supporting organisation
Brian AG, CH
Universität St. Gallen signed the application form as supporting organisation
bydo, CH
Switch signed the application form as supporting organisation
EnlightKS Ltd, UK
Université de Lausanne signed the application form as supporting organisation
Gesellschaft Schweizer Tierärztinnen und Tierärzte GST, CH
Universität Bern signed the application form as supporting organisation
Healthevidence GmbH, CH
Zürcher Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften signed the application form as supporting organisation
Fondation Health Sciences e-Training, CH
Switch is the supporting organisation
gynécologie suisse SGGG, CH
Switch is the supporting organisation
Universität Zürich signed the application form as supporting organisation
K2Prime GmbH, CH
Universität Luzern signed the application form as supporting organisation
Liip AG, CH
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz signed the application form as supporting organisation
sr solutions ag, CH
PH Thurgau signed the application form as supporting organisation
webacons GmbH, CH
Universität Zürich signed the application form as supporting organisation
Staff, Student & Alumni Services |
Abraxas Informatik AG, CH
ZHAW signed the application form as supporting organisation
Apple Sales International, IE
ETH Zürich signed the application form as supporting organisation
ARP Schweiz AG, CH
Hochschule Luzern signed the application form as supporting organisation
asknet AG, DE
Universität Basel signed the application form as supporting organisation
Association easyswap, CH
Université de Lausanne signed the application form as supporting organisation
ASVZ - Akademischer Sportverband Zürich, CH
ETH Zürich signed the application form as supporting organisation
Bechtle Schweiz AG, Zweigniederlassung IT-Systemhaus St. Gallen, CH
Switch is the supporting organisation
Brack Electronics AG, CH
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz signed the application form as supporting organisation
Computacenter TS GmbH, CH
ETH Zürich signed the application form as supporting organisation
Digicomp Academy AG, CH
ETH Zürich signed the application form as supporting organisation
Digitec Galaxus AG, CH
Universität Zürich signed the application form as supporting organisation
Digt AG, CH
ZHAW signed the application form as supporting organisation
Doc.Series SA, CH
Université de Lausanne signed the application form as supporting organisation
EduTime, CH
PH NMS signed the application form as supporting organisation
ESN Switzerland, CH
ETH Zürich signed the application form as supporting organisation
ETH Store AG, CH
ETH Zürich signed the application form as supporting organisation
evasys GmbH, DE
Fachhochschule Graubünden signed the application form as supporting organisation
Fachverein Informatik ICU, CH
Universität Zürich signed the application form as supporting organisation
fruitstore.ch GmbH, CH
Hochschule Luzern signed the application form as supporting organisation
Fugira OÜ, Tallin, Zweigniederlassung Zug, CH
ETH Zürich signed the application form as supporting organisation
FVMed - Fachverein Medizin der Universität Zürich, CH
Switch is the supporting organisation
FVOEC - Fachverein Oekonomie (an der Universität Zürich), CH
Switch is the supporting organisation
HR Matching AG, CH
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz signed the application form as supporting organisation
ETH Zürich signed the application form as supporting organisation
iParadigms, LLC, US
Università della Svizzera Italiana & Universität Zürich signed the application form as supporting organisations
Kivuto Solutions Inc., CA
Switch is the supporting organisation
Lateral Studio Sàrl, CA
Berner Fachhochschule signed the application form as supporting organisation
Microsoft Switzerland, CH
Universität Bern signed the application form as supporting organisation
Mobile Education AG, CH
Hochschule für Wirtschaft Zürich signed the application form as supporting organisation
Netenviron GmbH, DE
Universität Bern signed the application form as supporting organisation
Okiano (Schweiz) AG, CH
ETH Zürich signed the application form as supporting organisation
open\HSR (Verein), CH
OST - Ostschweizer Fachhochschule signed the application form as supporting organisation
Orell Füssli Thalia AG, CH
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz signed the application form as supporting organisation
PocketCampus Sàrl, CH
EPFL signed the application form as supporting organisation
Polyright AG, CH
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz signed the application form as supporting organisation
QS unisolution GmbH, DE
HES-SO signed the application form as supporting organisation
Unversité de Lausanne signed the application form as supporting organisation
SiROP Association, CH
ETH Zürich signed the application form as supporting organisation
SoftwareONE AG, CH
Switch is the supporting organisation
Stiftung Studenten-Discount (SSD), CH
Switch is the supporting organisation
Stonepine Labs GmbH, CH
Switch is the supporting organisation
swimsa (Swiss Medical Students‘ Association), CH
Switch is the supporting organisation
Swiss Academic Software GmbH (citavi.com), CH
Universität Zürich signed the application form as supporting organisation
TalentWerk AG, CH
Hochschule Luzern signed the application form as supporting organisation
uniboard AG, CH
Switch is the supporting organisation
useKit AG, CH
Universität Basel signed the application form as supporting organisation
WOKO Studentische Wohngenossenschaft Zürich, CH
Switch is the supporting organisation
Others |
Università della Svizzera Italiana signed the application form as supporting organisation
Amt für Informatik Kanton Thurgau, CH
Switch signed the application form as supporting organisation
Atizo AG, CH
HES-SO Valais signed the application form as supporting organisation
Centre MITIC interjurassien, CH
HEP-BEJUNE signed the application form as supporting organisation
CSCS, Centro Svizzero di Calcolo Scientifico, CH
Switch signed the application form as supporting organisation
CIIP - Conférence intercantonale de l'instruction publique de la Suisse romande et du Tessin, CH
HEP-BEJUNE signed the application form as supporting organisation
CloudSigma AG, CH
Switch is the supporting organisation
Copytrend AG Zürich, CH
ETHZ signed the application form as supporting organisation
DaSCH - Data and Service Center for the Humanities, CH
Switch is the supporting organisation
floatz, CH
Switch is the supporting organisation
FORS - Swiss centre of expertise in the social sciences, CH
Switch is the supporting organisation
Functional GmbH, CH
BFH signed the application form as supporting organisation
Funke Lettershop AG, CH
ETHZ signed the application form as supporting organisation
Future Instruments SA, CH
HEP-BEJUNE signed the application form as supporting organisation
GObugfree AG, CH
Switch is the supporting organisation
IBV Informatik, Beratungs und Vertriebs AG, CH
Switch is the supporting organisation
Klewel SA, CH
Universitäre Fernstudien Schweiz signed the application form as supporting organisation
LimeSurvey GmbH, CH
HfH - Interkantonale Hochschule für Heilpädagogik signed the application form as supporting organisation
Medical Network EMN AG, CH
Switch is the supporting organisation
net working AG, CH
HSLU signed the application form as supporting organisation
Policlinique medicale universitaire et dispensaire central de Lausanne (Unisanté), CH
CHUV signed the application form as supporting organisation
Proton AG, CH
Switch is the supporting organisation
Ringier Axel Springer Schweiz AG, CH
EPFL signed the application form as supporting organisation
Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft, CH
Switch is the supporting organisation
SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, CH
Switch is the supporting organisation
Sign & Print GmbH, CH
ETH Zürich signed the application form as supporting organisation
softfactors AG, CH
ETH Zürich signed the application form as supporting organisation
Starmind International AG, CH
Universität Zürich signed the application form as supporting organisation
Service Ecoles-Médias du DIP de l’Etat de Genève, CH
Université de Lausanne signed the application form as supporting organisation
Stiftung éducation21, CH
Switch is the supporting organisation
Stiftung Forschung Planungswettbewerbe, CH
Switch is the supporting organisation
Swiss Biobanking Platform, CH
Switch is the supporting organisation
Swiss National Grid Association (SwiNG), CH
Universität Zürich signed the application form as supporting organisation
Switch is the supporting organisation
Swissconsortium AG, CH
Eidgenössische Hochschule für Sport Magglingen EHSM signed the application form as supporting organisation
TIND Technologies AS, NO
Haute école d'ingénierie et d'architecture de Fribourg signed the application form as supporting organisation
Truninger-Plot24 AG, CH
ETHZ signed the application form as supporting organisation
Tune Insight SA, CH
Switch is the supporting organisation
HES-SO signed the application form as supporting organisation
Switch is the supporting organisation
Webland AG, CH
Zürcher Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften signed the application form as supporting organisation
Wissenschafts-Olympiade, CH
Switch is the supporting organisation
x28 AG, CH
Switch is the supporting organisation