Resources of

The Resources below are sorted alphabetically and exclude Resources that are used for testing/developing purposes or Resources only for internal use within an organization.


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AAI Attribute Viewer
Helpdesk web page
[en]AAI Attribute Viewer
Displays all available attributes of a user for debugging and informational purposes.
[de]AAI Attribute Viewer
Zeigt zu Test und Informationszwecken alle Attribute eines Benutzers.
[fr]AAI Attribute Viewer
Présente tous les attributs d'un utilisateur pour tester et pour obtenir des renseignements.
[it]AAI Attribute Viewer
Ha tutti gli attributi di un utente per testare e per ottenere informazioni.

AAI Attribute Viewer
Helpdesk web page
[en]AAI Attribute Viewer
The purpose of this service is to display all OpenID Connect attributes from a edu-id user.

AAI Resource Registry
Helpdesk web page
[en]AAI Resource Registry
The Resource Registry collects information about Resources and Home Organizations that participate in the SWITCHaai and AAI Test federations.

Adobe Login via Switch edu-ID
Helpdesk web page
[en]Adobe Login via Switch edu-ID
Adobe Login via Switch edu-ID

Atlassian Login for Switch
Helpdesk web page
[en]Atlassian Login for Switch
Atlassian Login for Switch staff members

Confluence - edu-ID
No Helpdesk web page specified
[en]Confluence - edu-ID
Confluence - edu-ID

Connected Papers
No Helpdesk web page specified
[en]Connected Papers
Connected Papers is a unique, visual tool to help researchers and applied scientists find and explore papers relevant to their field of work.

Connectome Nexus Staging
No Helpdesk web page specified
[en]Connectome Nexus Staging
Connectome Nexus Staging instance at SWITCH

DA 4.0 Frontend Prod
No Helpdesk web page specified
[en]DA 4.0 Frontend Prod
This service is for authentication for the DA4.0 Frontend production development

DA 4.0 Frontend Stage
No Helpdesk web page specified
[en]DA 4.0 Frontend Stage
This service is for authentication for the DA4.0 Frontend stage development

No Helpdesk web page specified
drive stage OIDC
No Helpdesk web page specified
GitLab is an open source end-to-end software development platform with built-in version control, issue tracking, code review, CI/CD, and more.
No Helpdesk web page specified
GitLab is an open source end-to-end software development platform with built-in version control, issue tracking, code review, CI/CD, and more.
No Helpdesk web page specified
GitLab is an open source end-to-end software development platform with built-in version control, issue tracking, code review, CI/CD, and more.

iotroam [Pilot]
Helpdesk web page
[en]iotroam [Pilot]
Pilot installation of an iotroaming service

No Helpdesk web page specified
OpenStack Keystone Identity Service (Production)

Keystone (Staging)
No Helpdesk web page specified
[en]Keystone (Staging)
OpenStack Identity Keystone service

Microsoft 365
No Helpdesk web page specified
[en]Microsoft 365
Login to Microsoft 365 Service / Azure AD

Open Data Navigator
No Helpdesk web page specified
[en]Open Data Navigator
Open Data Navigator instance at SWITCH

SCK Production
No Helpdesk web page specified
[en]SCK Production
Switch Cloud Kubernetes (SCK) is a Kubernetes as a Service (KaaS) platform

No Helpdesk web page specified
SonarQube is an open-source platform developed by SonarSource for continuous inspection of code quality to perform automatic reviews with static analysis of code to detect bugs and code smells on 29 programming languages.

No Helpdesk web page specified
SoSafe information security e-learning

Switch Cast Kaltura Cloud
No Helpdesk web page specified
[en]Switch Cast Kaltura Cloud
Switch Cast Kaltura Cloud

Switch Cast Kaltura ETHZ
No Helpdesk web page specified
[en]Switch Cast Kaltura ETHZ
Switch Cast Kaltura ETHZ

Switch Cast Kaltura SWITCH
No Helpdesk web page specified
[en]Switch Cast Kaltura SWITCH
Switch Cast Kaltura SWITCH

Switch Cast Kaltura ZHAW
No Helpdesk web page specified
[en]Switch Cast Kaltura ZHAW
Switch Cast Kaltura ZHAW
[de]SWITCHcast Kaltura ZHAW
SWITCHcast Kaltura für ZHAW

Switch Cloud Compute (zhw)
No Helpdesk web page specified
[en]Switch Cloud Compute (zhw)
Switch Cloud Compute's web-based user interface to manage virtual machines, volumes, and networking resources.

Switch Cloud Portal
No Helpdesk web page specified
[en]Switch Cloud Portal
Switch Cloud's management user interface to configure the use of its cloud services.

SWITCH Cloud Service Platform
No Helpdesk web page specified
[en]SWITCH Cloud Service Platform
SWITCH Cloud Service Platform

No Helpdesk web page specified

SWITCH edu-ID Registration
No Helpdesk web page specified
[en]SWITCH edu-ID Registration
Create an edu-ID identity.
[de]SWITCH edu-ID Registrierung
Erstellen Sie ein edu-ID Benutzerkonto.
[fr]Inscription à SWITCH edu-ID
Créez un compte edu-ID.

No Helpdesk web page specified
[en]SWITCH Harbor

Switch IAM
No Helpdesk web page specified
[en]Switch IAM
Switch IAM Production

No Helpdesk web page specified
[en]Switch IAM STAGING
Switch IAM staging system

Switch MLA
No Helpdesk web page specified
[en]Switch MLA
Monitor Logging and Alerting

Switch MLA Stage
No Helpdesk web page specified
[en]Switch MLA Stage
Monitor Logging and Alerting Stage

Switch OER
Helpdesk web page
[en]Switch OER
The Open Educational Resources Service for the Swiss higher education community

Helpdesk web page
[de]SWITCH WWW / WWW-Dienste für die gesamte Organisation.
[en]SWITCH WWW / WWW services for the entire organization.

Helpdesk web page
[en]SWITCHaai VHOTools
VHO admin tool (manage the VHO group and users). VHO password tool (password changes). VHO support tool (retrieve support information).

Helpdesk web page
SWITCHcast Lecture Recording and Video Management System

SWITCHcast Kaltura EPFL
No Helpdesk web page specified
[en]SWITCHcast Kaltura EPFL
SWITCHcast Kaltura EPFL

SWITCHcast Kaltura FHNW
No Helpdesk web page specified
[de]SWITCHcast Kaltura FHNW
SWITCHcast Kaltura FHNW
[en]SWITCHcast Kaltura FHNW
SWITCHcast Kaltura FHNW

SWITCHcast Kaltura for UniFR
No Helpdesk web page specified
[en]SWITCHcast Kaltura for UniFR
SWITCHcast Kaltura for UniFR

SWITCHcast Kaltura für die PHLU
No Helpdesk web page specified
[de]SWITCHcast Kaltura für die PHLU
SWITCHcast Kaltura für die PH Luzern
[en]SWITCHcast Kaltura PHLU
SWITCHcast Kaltura PHLU

SWITCHcast Kaltura für die UZH
No Helpdesk web page specified
[de]SWITCHcast Kaltura für die UZH
SWITCHcast Kaltura für die Universität Zürich
[en]Switch Cast Kaltura für die UZH
Switch Cast Kaltura für die Universität Zürich

SWITCHcast Kaltura PSI
No Helpdesk web page specified
[en]SWITCHcast Kaltura PSI
SWITCHcast Kaltura for Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI)
[de]SWITCHcast Kaltura für das PSI
SWITCHcast Kaltura für das Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI)

SWITCHcast Kaltura UniLU
No Helpdesk web page specified
[de]SWITCHcast Kaltura UniLU
SWITCHcast Kaltura UniLU
[en]SWITCHcast Kaltura UniLU
SWITCHcast Kaltura UniLU

SWITCHcast Kaltura USZ
No Helpdesk web page specified
[en]SWITCHcast Kaltura USZ
SWITCHcast Kaltura USZ

SWITCHcast Video Management System
Helpdesk web page
[en]SWITCHcast Video Management System
SWITCHcast Video Management System

SWITCHengines AdminUI
No Helpdesk web page specified
[en]SWITCHengines AdminUI
The administrative console for SWITCHengines, SWITCHcoldstor and SWITCHkaas.

Helpdesk web page

No Helpdesk web page specified

No Helpdesk web page specified
SWITCHportfolio created with the Mahara eportfolio system

SWITCHportfolio (staging)
No Helpdesk web page specified
[en]SWITCHportfolio (staging)
SWITCHportfolio (staging) created with the Mahara eportfolio system

No Helpdesk web page specified
Textshuttle is a Swiss based AI translation solution for business.
Textshuttle ist eine schweizer AI-Translation-Lösung für Unternehmen.
Textshuttle est une solution de traduction AI suisse pour les entreprises.
Textshuttle è una soluzione svizzera di traduzione AI per le aziende.

URL Analyzer Frontend Playground
No Helpdesk web page specified
[en]URL Analyzer Frontend Playground
This service is for authentication/authorization for the URLAnalyzer Frontend (Playground)

URL Analyzer Frontend Production
No Helpdesk web page specified
[en]URL Analyzer Frontend Production
This service is for authentication/authorization for the URL Analyzer Frontend (Production)