Resources of
The Resources below are sorted alphabetically and exclude Resources that are used for testing/developing purposes or Resources only for internal use within an organization.
No Helpdesk web page specified |
General categories
- Universities
- Universities of applied sciences
Specific exceptions
- Include
- Include
[de] | CAMPLA | | Prüfungsplattform | [en] | CAMPLA | | E-Assessment Platform | [fr] | CAMPLA | | Plate-forme d'examen | [it] | CAMPLA | | Piattaforma d'esame |
No Helpdesk web page specified |
General categories
- Universities
- Universities of applied sciences
Specific exceptions
- Include
- Include
[en] | CAMPLA STAGE | | Tesumgebung: Prüfungsplattform |
FHNW Edoc |
No Helpdesk web page specified |
General categories
Specific exceptions
- Include
- Include
[en] | FHNW Edoc | | FHNW E-Medien für Lehrpersonen |
FHNW edu-ID Integration |
No Helpdesk web page specified |
General categories
Specific exceptions
[en] | FHNW edu-ID Integration | | FHNW edu-ID Integration und Benutzer Onboarding - on |
FHNW Siteimprove |
No Helpdesk web page specified |
General categories
Specific exceptions
[en] | FHNW Siteimprove | | Helps with the administration of |
No Helpdesk web page specified |
General categories
Specific exceptions
- Include
- Include
[en] | FHNW STS DEV | | WS-Federation DEV implementation with IdentityServer3 |
No Helpdesk web page specified |
General categories
Specific exceptions
- Include
- Include
[en] | FHNW STS PROD | | WS-Federation PROD implementation with IdentityServer3 |
No Helpdesk web page specified |
General categories
Specific exceptions
[en] | FHNW STS2 PROD (OIDC only) | | OIDC implementation with IdentityServer |
HGK Login |
No Helpdesk web page specified |
General categories
Specific exceptions
[en] | HGK Login | | Loginsystem der HGK Basel FHNW |
HLS - ELN Chemotion |
No Helpdesk web page specified |
Attribute |
Type |
Request comment |
E-mail |
required |
User Display Information |
Entitlement |
required |
limit access to sub organisation only |
Surname |
required |
User Display Information |
Given name |
required |
User Display Information |
General categories
Specific exceptions
[en] | HLS - ELN Chemotion | | Life Sciences Electronic Lab Notebook - Chemotion |
Helpdesk web page |
Attribute |
Type |
Request comment |
E-mail |
required |
User Display Information |
Entitlement |
required |
AD groups access permissions |
Surname |
required |
User Display Information |
Given name |
required |
User Display Information |
FHNW IDPerson (Evento) |
required |
local or bilateral scope, ask technical contact for further information on this attribute. webapp user identifiaction |
General categories
Specific exceptions
[en] | HLS - PIET | | HLS - Project Information and Evaluation Tool |
HSM WebApp Server |
No Helpdesk web page specified |
General categories
Specific exceptions
- Include
- Include
[en] | HSM WebApp Server | | This website serves as a platform for web-based applications of the University of Applied Sciences and Art of Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW) Academy of Music Basel. |
HSM WebApplication Server |
No Helpdesk web page specified |
General categories
Specific exceptions
- Include
- Include
[en] | HSM WebApplication Server | | This website serves as a platform for web-based applications of the Academy of Music. |
i-markt |
No Helpdesk web page specified |
General categories
Specific exceptions
[en] | i-markt | | i-markt - Die Plattform für Studierende und die Region |
Institutional Repository FHNW |
No Helpdesk web page specified |
General categories
Specific exceptions
[en] | Institutional Repository FHNW | | Institutional Repository FHNW |
Koala App |
No Helpdesk web page specified |
Attribute |
Type |
Request comment |
E-mail |
required |
To log in |
General categories
- Universities
- Universities of applied sciences
[en] | Koala App | | Die App für kollaboratives Musikhören und -analysieren |
Login Mediathek |
No Helpdesk web page specified |
General categories
Specific exceptions
[en] | Login Mediathek | | Login Mediathek HGK |
Modulplaner |
No Helpdesk web page specified |
Attribute |
Type |
Request comment |
E-mail |
required |
Identify the user |
Display name |
required |
Display the name |
General categories
Specific exceptions
[de] | Modulplaner | | Planungstool für Studenten, um das kommende Semester einfacher planen zu können. | [en] | Modulplaner | | Planning tool for Students for the upcoming semester. |
Moodle Assessment FHNW |
No Helpdesk web page specified |
General categories
- Universities
- Universities of applied sciences
- Libraries
- Virtual Home Organizations
[en] | Moodle Assessment FHNW | | Moodle Assessment FHNW |
Moodle BSSK FHNW |
No Helpdesk web page specified |
General categories
- Universities
- Universities of applied sciences
- Libraries
- Virtual Home Organizations
Specific exceptions
[en] | Moodle BSSK FHNW | | Moodle BSSK FHNW |
Moodle FHNW |
No Helpdesk web page specified |
General categories
- Universities
- Universities of applied sciences
- Libraries
- Virtual Home Organizations
Specific exceptions
[en] | Moodle FHNW | | Moodle FHNW |
Moodle NEXT FHNW |
No Helpdesk web page specified |
General categories
- Universities
- Universities of applied sciences
- Libraries
- Virtual Home Organizations
Specific exceptions
[en] | Moodle NEXT FHNW | | Moodle NEXT FHNW |
| |
Helpdesk web page |
General categories
Specific exceptions
[en] | | | ist die Karriereplattform der Hochschule für Wirtschaft FHNW. |
PPP PracticalPlacePlatform PH |
No Helpdesk web page specified |
General categories
- Universities
- Universities of applied sciences
- Virtual Home Organizations
[en] | PPP PracticalPlacePlatform PH | | The “Practical Place Platform PH” is a tool of the PH FHNW that allows students to book a practical place. |
Proxy Server FHNW Technik |
No Helpdesk web page specified |
General categories
Specific exceptions
- Include
- Include
[en] | Proxy Server FHNW Technik | | Proxy Server FHNW Technik |
Raumplaner Musik Akademie Basel |
No Helpdesk web page specified |
General categories
Specific exceptions
[en] | Raumplaner Musik Akademie Basel | | Raumplaner der Musik Akademie Basel |
Scoring Deck App PROD |
No Helpdesk web page specified |
General categories
Specific exceptions
[de] | Scoring Deck App PROD | | Tracking der Anfragen an den IT-Support Standorten der FHNW | [en] | Scoring Deck App PROD | | Tracking der Anfragen an den IT-Support Standorten der FHNW |
SGI Grading Server |
Helpdesk web page |
General categories
Specific exceptions
[en] | SGI Grading Server | | The Grading Server is a service for automatic grading of student solutions to programming tasks. |
Studierenden- & Abschlussproj HSW |
No Helpdesk web page specified |
General categories
Specific exceptions
[en] | Studierenden- & Abschlussproj HSW | | Diese Plattform sammelt alle Studierendenprojekte und Abschlussarbeiten der HSW |
Studierendenprojekt Portal Prod |
No Helpdesk web page specified |
General categories
Specific exceptions
[en] | Studierendenprojekt Portal Prod | | The purpose of this service is to submit and manage student projects |
| |
No Helpdesk web page specified |
General categories
Specific exceptions
[de] | | | | [en] | | | |
Unterrichtsplanung |
No Helpdesk web page specified |
General categories
- Universities
- Universities of applied sciences
- Hospitals
- Libraries
- Professional education and training colleges (institutions on the tertiary B level)
- Institutions on the upper secondary level
- Virtual Home Organizations
- Others
[en] | Unterrichtsplanung | | Unterrichtsplanung Tool | [de] | Unterrichtsplanung | | Unterrichtsplanung Tool der Pädagogischen Hochschule FHNW |
Unterrichtsplanung |
No Helpdesk web page specified |
General categories
- Universities
- Universities of applied sciences
- Hospitals
- Libraries
- Professional education and training colleges (institutions on the tertiary B level)
- Institutions on the upper secondary level
- Virtual Home Organizations
- Others
[en] | Unterrichtsplanung | | Unterrichtsplanung Tool | [de] | Unterrichtsplanung | | Unterrichtsplanung Tool der Pädagogischen Hochschule FHNW |
Webauftritt FHNW |
No Helpdesk web page specified |
General categories
Specific exceptions
[en] | Webauftritt FHNW | | Webauftritt FHNW |
Webdienst PH FHNW |
No Helpdesk web page specified |
General categories
- Universities
- Universities of applied sciences
- Professional education and training colleges (institutions on the tertiary B level)
- Virtual Home Organizations
- Others
[de] | Webdienst PH FHNW | | Ethra - Antrag auf Genehmigung eines Forschungsvorhabens | [en] | Webdienst PH FHNW | | Ethra - Antrag auf Genehmigung eines Forschungsvorhabens |
Webdienste-Server FHNW |
No Helpdesk web page specified |
General categories
- Universities
- Universities of applied sciences
- Hospitals
- Libraries
Specific exceptions
- Include
- Include
[de] | Webdienste-Server FHNW | | Webdienste-Server FHNW | [en] | Webdienste-Server FHNW | | Webdienste-Server FHNW |
Webdienste-Server FHNW |
No Helpdesk web page specified |
General categories
Specific exceptions
- Include
- Include
[de] | Webdienste-Server FHNW | | Webdienste-Server FHNW | [en] | Webdienste-Server FHNW | | Webdienste-Server FHNW |