The so called inline frame or iframe is a powerful HTML-tag which allows you to display a second, separate webpage within your main webpage. The <iframe>tag is used to define such inline frames in your pages. The video below was copied from the SWITCHtube webpage by adding the following embed code on this help page.
iframe code = <iframe src="" width="100%" height="650" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe>
An external link is a clickable connection that directs users to content *outside* of the current website or platform. When you create an external link, it allows you to embed your video in platforms like H5P and edX.
Important Note:
Because it’s an external link, the video, its description, and the link itself become publicly accessible. Anyone with the link can view the video.
Furthermore, due to the nature of this external link, the video and its associated information will *not* be searchable by search engines like Google. This means it won’t appear in search results.
As an owner of a video channel, you can restrict the viewing permission to anyone who knows the secret address of the video channel. Such a video channel cannot be found by just browsing the video channels in Switch Tube or by typing some keywords in the search box. You need to inform the viewers about this secret address, who then can access the video channel without entering a login name or a password.
This access mode can be very handy and user friendly because you can easily publish a link to your audience. On the other side you do not have any security and confidence that the address to the video channel remains hidden and secret. You should therefore treat the channel as a public channel and avoid any sensitive or personal content. If you want to be certain that only allowed users can view your videos, you have to set the viewing permission to authenticated users with AAI login names & passwords.
Note: if needed you can also renew the link to the hidden video channel and to the videos inside the video channel. This may become necessary if the address to the hidden channel should be only known to the new members of a course, for example. Be aware however that links to this channel and to all videos contained in this channel will be reset. As a consequence all previously used external references will no longer work. This includes embedded videos, links shared on an LMS, and links shared through emails.
- Navigate to your video channel
- Select 'Collaborators' on the menu on the right side (-> '⋮')
- Press 'Add collaborator'
- Type the email adress of the new collaborator in the input field. If you do not know the correct email address of the collaborator, try with the firstname, the last name or the institution. There should be a list of email addresses displayed from which you can select the correct name.
- If the correct name is not listed, then the new collaborator has never signed in to Switch Tube yet. Please select the link 'invite a collaborator by email' above the input field.
- After you have selected the email address, decide if the Collaborator should view only, upload own videos or manage all videos in your channel.
- Click on Save Changes. The new collaborator will automatically get a "Switch Tube collaborator notification"
You can add as many collaborators as you want by repeating the steps. You can also invite a large group of collaborators, if adding collaborators one by one is too annoying. See the corresponding entry in this FAQ section.
In order to add a larger group of collaborators to your video channel, do the following steps:
- Navigate to your video channel
- Select 'Collaborators' on the menu on the right side (-> '⋮')
- Select 'Invite group' on the menu on the right side (-> '⋮')
- Copy from a text file or from a table a list of email addresses and paste it to the text box. Switch Tube will automatically detect and extract email addresses from your copied text section.
- Decide if the collaborators should only watch videos, upload new videos or manage all videos of your video channels.
- Click on "Send invitations". An email with topic "Switch Tube collaborator invitation" will be sent to all found email addresses.
- As long as the collaborator has not accepted the invitation you will see the message "Invited" under the email address of the collaborator.
Please note: only after you click on "Send invitations" you will see the list of email addresses that was found in the copied text section. SWITCHtube will not detect if an email address is valid or already found. Check you mail system for any returned emails because of invalid email address.