The maximum size of a video upload is limited to 10GB per clip. Note that this is the limitation in size of the original video file. SWITCHtube will create smaller files out of this original video file for viewing on different devices and with different browsers. If you try to upload a larger video file, the following error message will appear:

Try to reduce the size of your video file either by cutting / trimming or by converting it to a format with higher compression rate.

If the owner of the video channel has set the permission to also download the video clip, you can store the video locally on your computer in the format H.264 / ACC MP4, which may be much smaller than the original video. 

Uploading of video files may occasionally fail of different reasons. Maybe the uploaded file is only a link to a video, the size of the file is too large or the video files contains a strange resolution or codec inside. You will also notice that large video files can take a very long time to upload and to transcode (up to several hours!).

If uploading repeatably fails or seems to take forever, it is recommended to locally convert the video to a smaller and standard MP4 video format.

There are plenty of Video Converters available for all types of operating systems. We recommend to use Handbrake or the Miro Converter. Search for these video converters on the internet and follow their instructions to convert your video, which then can be processed correctly by SWITCHtube.

If you have a fast internet connection you can also try an online video converter, see

Please make sure that the converted video is playing fine locally on your device before you upload it to SWITCHtube.

You can also try to cut your video into two or more parts or to trim it (adjust start and end of a video). A very easy way to trim a video is offered by Quicktime. Go to the Edit Menu of Quicktime and select either "Split Clip" or "Trim..." menu option.

You can upload videos in a wide range of formats and media codecs. In almost all cases your existing video files should upload just fine.

To get the best possible result, we recommend the following compression settings when you encode your video for upload:


Codec: H.264. Choose “High Profile” if possible.

Frame rate:  25 or 30 FPS. We currently transcode all video to 25 FPS; support for other output rates might be added in the future.

Bit rate: 2000 – 5000 kbit/s for SD, 5000 – 10000 kbit/s for HD (720p or 1080p)

Resolution: 640 pixels wide for SD, 1280 pixels wide for 720p HD, or 1920 pixels wide for 1080p HD. You video will be shown in a widescreen 16:9 aspect ratio player. Don’t add any letterbox bars to your video file if you use another aspect ratio such as 4:3 or 2.35:1; this will be done by the player automatically.


Codec: AAC Low Complexity.

Bit rate: 320 kbit/s. Choose “Constant” if possible.

Sample rate: 48 kHz.

No, you cannot upload a complete DVD, but you can upload single VOB files. We recommend to use some SW-tools to create a video with correct audio track as many DVDs have more than a single audio track.

Yes, audio files can be uploaded. These are displayed with their audio signal, e.g.


Yes,  easily. If you have the permission from you manager you can upload directly to a video channel.  There might be a limitation in size or time depending on your mobile device.

Follow these steps to upload a video with an iPad or iPhone:

1. Open a browser app (Safari) on your mobile device and login to SWITCHtube (

(Note that you can easily create an own SWITCHtube icon on your home screen so you do not need to enter the SWITCHtube web adress each time)


2. Go to one of your Video Channels and click on the "Upload video" button. If you do not see such a button, then you are not the owner (or a collaborator) of the video channel. Ask the owner of the video channel for permission to collaborate or get in touch with the SWITCHtube manager at your institution to get producer permission in SWITCHtube in order to create new video channels.


3. In the Upload form press the Add Video button. Then choose if you want to take a new video (option1) or to select an existing video from your film roll (option2). In most cases you should select option 2.  Capture a video first to the mobile device and to upload it anytime later - when you have a good  WiFi connection.Caution: if you capture your video on a device with cell phone connection, uploading large video files could become expensive if you do not have an unlimited data plan!

If you have a fast and reliable internet connection, and if the video clips are rather short, you can also select option 2, take a video right away and upload it directly to SWITCHtube. Please note that when you select the first option (Take Video), there will be no local copy of your video on the mobile device. That is very handy when there is little or no space left on your mobile device.

4. If you want to take a new video, wait for your camera to start the video recorder and hit the red record button. We recommend to set your device to landscape mode so you can avoid the rather large black sections on the left and right in portrait mode.

5. Stop the recording by pressing the red stop record button. You  can now play the video, retake the video or use the video. Note that you cannot store the video to the film roll at this point. If you want to upload the video to SWITCHtube, press the link "Use Video".

6. Wait until the video upload is complete - whether you take a new video or select an exising video. Then enter name and description of your video:

7. After a short time of video transcoding, the video will become available on SWITCHtube for viewing and sharing. Check the view permission of your video channel if you want to increase or reduce the visability of your new video recording.



In most cases yes. But rather pick a good video camera  with an external microphone input and a good zoom lens. You can record on SDcard and upload a video to SWITCHtube.