SWITCH edu-ID Advisory Board

The SWITCH edu-ID Advisory Board includes representatives of the most important stakeholder groups, including representatives from the BFI Community, political bodies in the field of education and SP Operators. The SWITCH edu-ID Advisory Board acts as an advisory organ concerning the long-term strategy of the SWITCH edu-ID service.

SWITCH consults with the SWITCH edu-ID Advisory Board concerning topics such as:

  • which categories of Federation Partners should be accepted
  • which categories of Federation Partners may operate an IdP or AP
  • interfederation agreement
  • planning of the future development of the SWITCH edu-ID and the SWITCHaai Federation, and administrative and technical optimisations
  • changes to the administration of the SWITCHaai Federation or this Service Description, and other documents specific to the federation

The SWITCH edu-ID Advisory Board has no decision-making authority. SWITCH decides on the composition of the SWITCH edu-ID Advisory Boards. 

Currently the Advisory Board consists of the following people:

Stakeholder Group Mandate and Current Representative
Higher Education Institution
Central IT Services
Mandate by ASIUS, FID or PH-ID:
Niklaus Lang (FHNW, by FID) chair
Bruce Colombet (Université de Genève, by ASIUS)
Higher Education Institution
Mandate by ASIUS, FID:
Higher Education Institution
Resource Owners/Service Providers
Mandate by SWITCH:
Stéphane Recrosio (Université de Fribourg)
Roberto Mazzoni (Universität Zürich)
Legal Departments Mandate by SWITCH:
Angelo Marchetta (SWITCH)
University & Scientific Libraries Mandate by Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries:
Andreas Kirstein (ETH-Bibliothek Zürich)

Mandate by Swiss Library Network for Education and Research:
Markus Joachim (ETH-Bibliothek Zürich)
Higher Education Institution
Continuing Education
Mandate by Swiss University Continuing Education (swissuni):
Nicolas Chappuis (Université de Neuchâtel)
Higher Education Institution
Alumni Organisations
Mandate by an Alumni umbrella organisation:
Toni Schmid (FH Schweiz)
Esther Seidl-Nussbaumer (SWITCH)