Linking with personal e-mail

If a university who introduces linking with organisational e-mail has used edu-ID or AAI before, special precautions have to be taken in order to maintain backwards compatibility of the user accounts. The attributes for a user, which are fetched via the Attribute Provider API (AP-API) must contain the identifier swissEduPersonUniqueID for all users with an existing account.

Example of a linking with personal e-mail

In the example below an affiliation to the Organization UniDemo is created by adding a personal email address matching * to the edu-ID account.

  1. go to
  2. in the section Profile go to E-Mail addresses and make sure that the e-mail address that is registered at the organisation is also registered in the edu-ID account. If the e-mail address is missing, add it to the edu-ID account.
  3. go to the section Organisations
  4. klick add an organisational identity
  5. select the organisation that should be linked to the edu-ID account

The edu-ID service then checks for each e-mail address, that the user has registered in the account if the e-mail can be found in the organisational user directory.

If the e-mail was found in the directory of the organisation, an affiliation is created within seconds.