Test Accounts

To test edu-ID services check the available options.

Anyone can create her own test account(s) on https://test.eduid.ch. With these accounts a "edu-ID only" service can be tested in the test federation.

Test accounts with affiliations

To test a service with extended attribute model in the test federation edu-ID accounts are needed with test affiliations. Below are a few predefined test accounts that cannot be modified.

  • username: eduid+demo1@switch.ch
    password: demoStudentone
    swissEduID: 0000383f-3866-4e49-a714-a2e98896b0d4
    eduPersonScopedAffiliation: student@uni-demo.ch
  • username: eduid+demo2@switch.ch
    password: demoStafftwo
    swissEduID: 0000195a-2834-4de8-b359-1d08066d9797
    eduPersonScopedAffiliation: staff@switch.ch 

The details of these accounts can be inspected using the Attribute Viewer https://attribute-viewer.aai.switch.ch (choose "log in using a Test Home Organization" and then "SWITCH edu-ID [Test]")