S3 Clients and API Libraries
The AWS CLI is the official AWS command line tool for interacting with the S3 API.
Installation: Installing AWS CLI version 2
By default aws-cli uses a configuration $HOME/.aws/credentials file. Example configuration file:
aws_access_key_id = <your access key>
aws_secret_access_key =<your secret key>
aws_access_key_id = <your access key>
aws_secret_access_key =<your secret key>
$ export S3_ENDPOINT=https://s3-zh.os.switch.ch
$ aws --endpoint $S3_ENDPOINT --profile project_abc s3 mb s3://<your bucket name>
$ aws --endpoint $S3_ENDPOINT --profile project_abc s3 ls
The official AWS CLI Command Reference contains a complete parameter explanation and examples.
The s3cmd is a command line tool and client for uploading, retrieving and managing data in S3 object storage service.
Configuration for s3cmd
By default s3cmd uses a configuration $HOME/.s3cfg file. Exemplary configuration files:
use_https = True
access_key = <your access key>
secret_key = <your secret key>
host_base = s3-zh.os.switch.ch
host_bucket = %(bucket)s.s3-zh.os.switch.ch
The host_base and host_bucket parameters depend on the region (LS or ZH) and backend you want to use.
See Object Storage overview.
Using the s3cmd, you can create a public bucket, and add public objects to it:
$ s3cmd mb s3://valery-public --acl-public
$ s3cmd put ghibli-ghost.png s3://valery-public/ --acl-public
$ s3cmd put clockwork-orange-big.png s3://valery-public/ --acl-public
Because the bucket and the objects are public, you can access them directly from: